Woosung Choi

Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Computer Science

College of Informatics, Korea University

Contents ---

  1. Selected Publications
    1-1 [ISMIR 2020]
    1-2 [LaSAFT] : PWC

  2. Research Interests

  3. Research Proposal

  4. As a songwriter

1. Selected Publications

  • 1-1 [ISMIR 2020] Choi, Woosung., Kim, Minseok., Chung, Jaehwa., Lee, Daewon., and Jung, Soonyoung. "Investigating u-nets with various intermediate blocks for spectrogram-based singing voice separation." 21th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, ISMIR, 2020.

  • 1-2. [LASAFT] Choi, Woosung., Kim, Minseok., Chung, Jaehwa., and Jung, Soonyoung. "LaSAFT: Latent Source Attentive Frequency Transformation for Conditioned Source Separation." arXiv preprint arXiv:2010.11631 (2020).

1-1 [ISMIR 2020]

Choi, Woosung., Kim, Minseok., Chung, Jaehwa., Lee, Daewon., and Jung, Soonyoung. "Investigating u-nets with various intermediate blocks for spectrogram-based singing voice separation." 21th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, ISMIR, 2020. ( github, colab)

  • Injecting FT(Frequency Transformation) blocks can improve the performance of U-Nets for the spectrogram-based singing voice separation model.

    • Singing voice Separation on MUSDB18 dataset

1-1 [ISMIR 2020] Background: U-Net

  • U-Net: an encoder-decoder structure with symmetric skip connections

    • These symmetric skip connections allow models to recover fine-grained details of the target object during decoding effectively.
  • Originally proposed for Medical Image Segmentation

    • can also be viewed as an Image-to-Image Translation
    • The original U-Net is fully 2-d convolutional

1-1 [ISMIR 2020]. Motivation: Spectrogram \neq Image

  • What's wrong with CNNs and spectrograms for audio processing?
    • The axes of spectrograms do not carry the same meaning
      • spatial invariance that 2D CNNs provide might not perform as well
    • The spectral properties of sounds are non-local
      • Periodic sounds are typically comprised of a fundamental frequency and a number of harmonics which are spaced apart by relationships dictated by the source of the sound. It is the mixture of these harmonics that determines the timbre of the sound.

1-1 [ISMIR 2020]. Motivation: Spectrogram \neq Image

  • Yin, Dacheng, et al."PHASEN: A Phase-and-Harmonics-Aware Speech Enhancement Network." AAAI. 2020.

    Non-local correlations exist in a T-F spectrogram along the
    frequency axis. A typical example is the correlations among harmonics ... However, simply stacking several 2D convolution layers with small kernels cannot capture such global correlation.

  • Park, Soochul, and Ben Sangbae Chon. "GSEP: A robust vocal and accompaniment separation system using gated CBHG module and loudness normalization." arXiv preprint arXiv:2010.12139 (2020).

    The two-dimensional convolution network used in the Spleeter for a frequency component misses the useful information at lower or higher frequency components which is out of the kernel range.

1-1 [ISMIR 2020]. Alternatives to avoid Fully-2d-Convs

  • 1-D CNNs
    • Liu, Jen-Yu, and Yi-Hsuan Yang. "Dilated convolution with dilated GRU for music source separation." arXiv preprint arXiv:1906.01203 (2019).
  • Dilated Convolutions
    • Takahashi, Naoya, and Yuki Mitsufuji. "D3Net: Densely connected multidilated DenseNet for music source separation." arXiv preprint arXiv:2010.01733 (2020).
  • FTBs: Frequency Transformation Blocks
    • ours, PHASEN
  • RNNs: \sim FTBs
    • Takahashi, Naoya, Nabarun Goswami, and Yuki Mitsufuji. "Mmdenselstm: An efficient combination of convolutional and recurrent neural networks for audio source separation." 2018 16th International Workshop on Acoustic Signal Enhancement (IWAENC). IEEE, 2018.

1-1 [ISMIR 2020]. Injecting FTBs into U-Nets

  • FTBs: Frequency Transformation Blocks

    • An FTB called Time-Distributed Fully-connected Layer (TDF):

    • Choi, Woosung, et al. "Investigating u-nets with various intermediate blocks for spectrogram-based singing voice separation." 21th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, ISMIR, Ed. 2020.

1-1 [ISMIR 2020]. Experimental Results

  • Singing voice Separation on MUSDB18 dataset

  • Ablation (n_fft = 2048)

    • U-Net with 17 TFC blocks: SDR 6.89dB
    • U-Net with 17 TFC-TDF blocks: SDR 7.12dB (+0.23 dB)
  • Large Model (n_fft = 4096)

1-1 [ISMIR 2020]. Why does it work?: Weight visualization

  • freq patterns of different sources captured by TDFs, of FTBs

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  • left: ours, right: phasen

1-2 [LaSAFT]: Latent Source Attentive Frequency Transformation for Conditioned Source Separation


Choi, Woosung., Kim, Minseok., Chung, Jaehwa., and Jung, Soonyoung. "LaSAFT: Latent Source Attentive Frequency Transformation for Conditioned Source Separation." arXiv preprint arXiv:2010.11631 (2020).

1-2 [LaSAFT]. Background: Conditioned Source Separation

  • Task Definition
    • Input: an input audio track AA and a one-hot encoding vector CC that specifies which instrument we want to separate
    • Output: separated track of the target instrument
  • Method: Conditioning Learning
    • can separate different instruments with the aid of the control mechanism.
    • Conditioned-U-Net (C-U-Net)
      • Meseguer-Brocal, Gabriel, and Geoffroy Peeters. "CONDITIONED-U-NET: INTRODUCING A CONTROL MECHANISM IN THE U-NET FOR MULTIPLE SOURCE SEPARATIONS." Proceedings of the 20th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference. 2019.

1-2 [LaSAFT]. Background: C-U-Net

  • Conditioned-U-Net extends the U-Net by exploiting Feature-wise Linear Modulation (FiLM)


1-2 [LaSAFT]. Background: an overview of C-U-Net


1-2 [LaSAFT]. Naive Extention: Injecting FTBs into C-U-Net?

  • Baseline C-U-Net + TFC-TDFs

  • TFC vs TFC-TDF

1-2 [LaSAFT]. Naive Extention: Above our expectation

  • TFC vs TFC-TDF

  • Although it does improve SDR performance by capturing common frequency patterns observed across all instruments,

    • Merely injecting an FTB to a CUNet does not inherit the spirit of FTBs
  • We propose the Latent Source-Attentive Frequency Transformation (LaSAFT), a novel frequency transformation block that can capture instrument-dependent frequency patterns by exploiting the scaled dot-product attention

1-2 [LaSAFT]. The Motivation

  • Extending TDF to the Multi-Source Task
    • Naive Extension: MUX-like approach

      • A TDF for each instrument: I\mathcal{I} instrument => I\mathcal{I} TDFs
    • However, there are much more 'instruments' we have to consider in fact

      • female-classic-soprano, male-jazz-baritone ... \in 'vocals'
      • kick, snare, rimshot, hat(closed), tom-tom ... \in 'drums'
      • contrabass, electronic, walking bass piano (boogie woogie) ... \in 'bass'

1-2 [LaSAFT]. Latent Source-attentive Frequency Transformation

  • We assume that there are IL\mathcal{I}_L latent instruemtns

    • string-finger-low_freq
    • string-bow-low_freq
    • brass-high-solo
    • percussive-high
    • ...
  • We assume each instrument can be represented as a weighted average of them

    • bass: 0.7 string-finger-low_freq + 0.2 string-bow-low_freq + 0.1 percussive-low
  • LaSAFT

    • IL\mathcal{I}_L TDFs for IL\mathcal{I}_L latent instruemtns
    • attention-based weighted average

1-2 [LaSAFT]. Extending TDF to the Multi-Source Task (1)


  • duplicate IL\mathcal{I}_L copies of the second layer of the TDF, where IL\mathcal{I}_L refers to the number of latent instruments.
    • IL\mathcal{I}_L is not necessarily the same as I\mathcal{I} for the sake of flexibility
  • For the given frame VRFV\in \mathbb{R}^F, we obtain the IL\mathcal{I}_L latent instrument-dependent frequency-to-frequency correlations, denoted by VRF×ILV'\in \mathbb{R}^{F \times \mathcal{I}_L}.

1-2 [LaSAFT]. Extending TDF to the Multi-Source Task (2)


  • The left side determines how much each latent source should be attended
  • The LaSAFT takes as input the instrument embedding zeR1×Ez_e \in \mathbb{R}^{1 \times E}.
  • It has a learnable weight matrix KRIL×dkK\in \mathbb{R}^{ \mathcal{I}_L \times d_{k}}, where we denote the dimension of each instrument's hidden representation by dkd_{k}.
  • By applying a linear layer of size dkd_{k} to zez_e, we obtain QRdkQ \in \mathbb{R}^{d_{k}}.

1-2 [LaSAFT]. Extending TDF to the Multi-Source Task (3)


  • We now can compute the output of the LaSAFT as follows:

    • Attention(Q,K,V)=softmax(QKTdk)VAttention(Q,K,V') = softmax(\frac{QK^{T}}{\sqrt{d_{k}}})V'
  • We apply a LaSAFT after each TFC in the encoder and after each Film/GPoCM layer in the decoder. We employ a skip connection for LaSAFT and TDF, as in TFC-TDF.

1-2 [LaSAFT]. Effects of employing LaSAFTs instead of TFC-TDFs

1-2 [LaSAFT]. More complex manipulation method than FiLM

  • FiLM (left) vs PoCM (right)

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  • PoCM is an extension of FiLM.
    • while FiLM does not have inter-channel operations
    • PoCM has inter-channel operations

1-2 [LaSAFT]. More complex manipulation method than FiLM (2)

  • PoCM is an extension of FiLM

    • FiLM(Xciγci,βci)=γciXci+βciFiLM(X^{i}_{c}|\gamma_{c}^{i},\beta_{c}^{i}) = \gamma_{c}^{i} \cdot X^{i}_{c} + \beta_{c}^{i}

    • PoCM(Xciωci,βci)=βci+jωcjiXjiPoCM(X^{i}_{c}|\omega_{c}^{i},\beta_{c}^{i}) = \beta_{c}^{i} + \sum_{j}{\omega_{cj}^{i} \cdot X^{i}_{j}}

      • where γci\gamma_{c}^{i} and βci\beta_{c}^{i} are parameters generated by the condition generator, and XiX^{i} is the output of the ithi^{th} decoder's intermediate block, whose subscript refers to the cthc^{th} channel of XX


1-2 [LaSAFT]. More complex manipulation method than FiLM (3)

  • Since this channel-wise linear combination can also be viewed as a point-wise convolution, we name it PoCM. With inter-channel operations, PoCM can modulate features more flexibly and expressively than FiLM.

  • Instaed of PoCM, we use Gated PoCM (GPoCM), since GPoCN is robust for source separation task. It is natural to use gated apporach the source separation tasks becuase a sparse latent vector (that contains many near-zero elements) obtained by applying GPoCMs, naturally generates separated result (i.e. more silent than the original).

  • GPoCM(Xciωci,βci)=σ(PoCM(Xciωci,βci))XciGPoCM(X^{i}_{c}|\omega_{c}^{i},\beta_{c}^{i}) = \sigma(PoCM(X^{i}_{c}|\omega_{c}^{i},\beta_{c}^{i})) \odot X^{i}_{c}

    • where σ\sigma is a sigmoid and \odot means the Hadamard product.

1-2 [LaSAFT]. Experimental Results: LaSAFT + GPoCM


  • achieved state-of-the-art SDR performance on vocals and other tasks in Musdb18.



  • The authors of cunet tried to manipulate latent space in the encoder,

    • assuming the decoder can perform as a general spectrogram generator, which is `shared' by different sources.
  • However, we found that this approach is not practical since it makes the latent space (i.e., the decoder's input feature space) more discontinuous.

  • Via preliminary experiments, we observed that applying FiLMs in the decoder was consistently better than applying FilMs in the encoder.

2. Research Interest

I am currently interested in the following areas:

  • Machine Learning-based Audio Editing
  • Audio Source Separation
  • Automatic Audio Mixing

3. Research Proposal

Machine Learning-based Audio Editing for a user-friendly interface

Since I already started writing a paper for this project, I cannot share more information about it in detail, but I am currently working on a personal project called Machine Learning-based Audio Editing for a user-friendly interface. The goal of this research is to create an audio manipulation model equipped with a convenient user interface. I believe this project's result will be widely used in various audio signal processing software such as DAWs, or DAW-plugins, as many users have loved the ML-based applications of izotope. Decreasing the difficulty of audio editing will make more users create, edit, manipulate, and share their audio files.

4. As a songwriter

Although I am not writing songs these days, I used to write and sing my songs.
The experiences give me some inspiration about future research topics as a DAW 'user'.

  • My Original songs: link
  • Cover songs (, where I made the instrumental): link